Sunday, November 20, 2011

Book Fair

After our one night Book Fair in connection with the PTA Movie Night, I was exhausted but excited to see so many kids getting good books to read.  We also surpassed our fundraising goal by selling over $4000 worth of books in just under six hours.  Up to 40% of those sales will return to the library in the form of Scholastic books and money to purchase other titles.  Thank you for your support, the students and I appreciate it!

If you didn't have a chance to attend the Movie Night/Book Fair, there is a new Online Book Fair this year, open until the Monday after Thanksgiving, if you want to do some shopping over the vacation.  Books purchased through the Online Book Fair count towards our total and as part of the 30-40% return to the library.  Books purchased online will be delivered to Ridgecrest for no shipping charges and distributed to students before Winter Break begins.

Thank you for supporting reading at home and at school!

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